September 02, 2015


This is my opinion on gender-confusion...for some odd reason, you can't accept the simple fact that God, in His mighty wisdom, created you in your mother's womb, the way He wanted you to be. He wanted you to be male, so He designed your body that way. Or he wanted you to be female, so He designed your body thus. He gave you everything your gender was supposed to have. He didn't put the brain of the opposite gender in your body, and then stand back and laugh when you became confused about your gender, because He doesn't play games like that. You are male or female the way He created you. I'll be blunt: If you're confused about your gender, even though it's obvious which genitalia you have, you need to find a therapist. It's not your body that's mixed up. It's your brain.

In the movie Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear believed he was a Space Ranger, and believed he could fly. Woody tried to convince him he was really a toy, a child's plaything, but Buzz wouldn't listen. But when he and Woody ended up in Sid's house looking for a way to escape because Sid always destroyed his toys, Buzz saw a commercial on TV which clearly stated that he was not a flying toy. Still, he refused to believe he couldn't fly. So he tried to fly from the second floor railing to a window, ultimately landing on the floor and breaking his arm off. That's when he realized the truth: He wasn't a Space Ranger. He was a toy.

Sometimes it takes a catastrophe to change a person's way of thinking.

Put lipstick on a pig, and it's still a pig. Put a wig and a dress on a boy, and he's still a boy. He has the bone structure, anatomy, voice, and DNA of a boy. HE'S A BOY! He doesn't belong in the girls' bathroom.

Lila Perry. Image source: KMOV-TVĀ 

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